
Well, we created this page to keep anyone and everyone who is interested in the behind the scenes of our wedding up to date with what is going on. So thanks for stopping by, don't forget to bookmark this page and visit it frequently because once the ball starts rollin...there's no stoppin!

Don't forget to check out the "official" website for all the final details & more information:


Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So I was online looking for flower girl dresses a couple of weeks ago, and WOW DO U KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY THEY COST?! RIDICULOUS!!! So I searched something like "cheap flower girl dress" or something to that effect and came upon a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL website!! The dresses are JUST AS NICE as other places but 1/2 the price or less!!! I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course this is where we will be ordering these dresses from!!! (the dresses will have a pink sash & roses)

We are getting the ringbearer tuxes from here too. They have a lot of dresses to choose from, and even have holiday ones too. So if you or someone you know is looking for a pretty little girl's dress or flower girl dress, then let me know and I will send you the website!!

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