
Well, we created this page to keep anyone and everyone who is interested in the behind the scenes of our wedding up to date with what is going on. So thanks for stopping by, don't forget to bookmark this page and visit it frequently because once the ball starts rollin...there's no stoppin!

Don't forget to check out the "official" website for all the final details & more information:


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Honeymoon update...

So we booked the honeymoon on March 8th (Sat), and I decided to take my at home pregnancy test(s) on Sunday. Well four tests later I began to rethink the whole honeymoon thing. Monday I made an appointment with the doctor, and Weds. I went for it. Surprise! I'm pregnant! :) (I'm sure you already knew that esp. if you read the other blog first)...So I come home and call up the travel agency we went through and request for the honeymoon to be cancelled.... Mind you- we only paid $1896.50 for the entire thing... So I explain what happened and why we need to cancel only to find out that it will cost us $1150!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! So I try to call back and talk with a different person...no luck. So I try again...nope. Looks like we are going on the honeymoon after all! Doesn't bother me too much, because I figure if we didn't go now- we never would! So we are still going to the beautiful Dominican Republic!!!

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